Ausangate Circuit Trek

Spiritual Journey to the King of Apus


King of the Apus of the Cusco Region

Experience 5 Days of True Magnificence

Enjoy pristine natural beauty around you.

See breathtaking mountain peaks above you.

Admire sparkling multicolored lakes below you.

Watch the herds of llamas and alpacas before you.

Let luxurious hot springs soothe sore muscles inside you…

Feel the mountain's sacred energy surround you... ~

Feel the mountain's sacred energy surround you... ~

  • Ausangate Mountain Hike Highlights


    Glacial mountains, hot springs, multicolored alpine lakes, native birds, peaceful nature, traditional Andean culture, spiritual tradition.

  • Adventure Rating

    Challenge level: 4 out of 5. Strenuous with very high altitudes and 6-7 hours of hiking up and down steep grades daily.

  • Ausangate Mountain Hike Difficulty Level

    Altitudes & Length

    A 70 km / 43.5 miles long hike, starting at 4,200 m/ 13,779 ft, and climbing up to 5,200 m/ 17,060 ft.

  • Ausangate Mountain Hike Schedule


    This 5 day trek is available any time between May and September. (Very cold at all times.)

  • Ausangate Mountain Hike Prices

    Prices in USD $

    6-10 trekkers: $400 per person, 3-5 trekkers: $450 per person, 2 trekkers: $500 per person

Meet the King of Apus

In Andean Spirituality, the highest mountains are considered especially sacred, mystic places animated by powerful and sacred spirits called “Apu’s,”

For countless centuries, the Andean people have called upon these Apus for for protection, guidance, blessing and healing..

Throughout the centuries, from before the Inca Empire up to this very day, its magnificent regal spirit is considered one of the principal Sacred Mountain Deities of the Andean Cosmovision.

At a spectacular height of 6,372 meters (20,905 ft.), the snow-glittering peak of Mt. Ausangate towers higher than all the mountains of the Cusco region.

Follow an

Ancient Tradition

The magnificent regal spirit of Apu Ausangate is considered one of the principal Sacred Mountain Deities of the Andean Cosmovision, where people go on pilgrimage and conduct traditional ceremonies.

Join us in sacred ceremony with a native Andean priest high above the world!

Immerse Yourself

in Natural Beauty

At a spectacular height of 6,372 m (20,905 ft), the snow-glittering peak of Mt. Ausangate towers higher than all the mountains of the Cusco region.

This magnificent natural wonder is home to crystalline alpine lakes, native wildlife, sparkling streams, glacier covered slopes and breathtaking views.

Daily Itinerary

  • We will pick you up from your hotel in Cusco promptly at 7 am with our private van, and drive for about 4 1/2 hours through pretty little towns and villages until we arrive at Pacchanta, right at the entrance to the trail circling the sacred mountain.

    Once we have arrived at this high altitude village, we will enjoy a delicious traditional Peruvian meal prepared by our expert cooks, and relax for the evening exploring the town and soaking in the hot spring baths.

    A little distance from the village center lives a family with alpacas of 30 different colors. You may wish to visit the farmer’s assortment of of curious stone formations he has collected over the years. We will end the day recounting the myths and legends of this sacred mountain before retiring to our tents for the night.

  • On this first day of hiking, we wake you early with a mug of hot coca leaf tea in your tent, followed by a satisfying breakfast. The trail climbs gently and moderately for the first hours, as we pass between the great Apu King Ausangate and his Ñusta, the Queen mountain Qayangate. We will arrive at “Pachaspata” for lunch where, tucked between the mountain pair, we will offer a traditional Andean ceremony, praying for good weather and protection along our path, as well as blessings for our lives.

    As we continue to climb, we will see a group of colorful lakes with wild birds such as native ducks, geese, eagles and falcons. After reaching the Jampa Pass at 5,100 meters (16,700 ft.), the path descends gently until we reach our campsite “Suraqocha” beside rushing mountain streams.

  • Waking up again to a hot mug of coca leaf tea in our tents, we begin our trek after breakfast, with a more challenging day ahead. After an hour of moderate hiking, we begin an ascent to the second pass, the highest point along our trail, called the “Palomani Pass” at 5,200 meters (17,060 ft.) At this dizzying height, we will be at the closest point to the peak of the sacred mountain, where we will feel like we can practically touch the sky.

    This highest point, where the altitude may be challenging, is where we will teach you an Andean breathing practice that connects you to the grounding energy of Pachamama and fortifies your sense of balance.

    Afterwards, we climb steadily down to an encampment beside Ausangate Q’ocha (lake), where we can hunt for a stone that the mountain may offer us as a gift for our mesas (the ceremonial bundle that Andean shamans use for healing ceremonies.)

  • After awakening with our daily hot coca leaf tea and a substantial breakfast, we begin our hike with a steep ascent to the third pass at 4.850 meters (15,750 ft.), followed by a steady descent, passing by many beautiful multi-colored lakes and herds of llamas and alpacas.

    Once we arrive beside the blue lake of Pukaq’ocha, we will relax with a delicious lunch. There we will teach you an Andean traditional shamanic practice to release the heavy energy that holds us back from our highest good, and receive the light energy that nourishes and uplifts us.

    With satisfied bellies, we continue to circle the great peak of the mountain until we arrive at the picturesque town of Upis. After we have set up our tents and had a light supper, we can relieve our sore muscles in the village hot baths, gazing upon a most majestic view of the sacred mountain of “Apu Ausangate.”

  • This day begins like all others, with an early mug of that daily hot tea to warm the fingers from the chill of the frosty altitude. We need to get on the trail rather quickly to get back to Pacchanta and board the van to Cusco. Fortunately, our sore limbs will find great comfort in the mostly gentle, rolling hike with more pretty scenery before we descend to the town where a hot lunch awaits you.

    Before bidding farewell to the sacred mountain Ausangate, we will offer k’intus with prayers of gratitude for the blessings the great Apu has given us. For those learning the path of the Andean healer, we will perform a ritual to consecrate the stone, or “kuya”, that the mountain may have given you for your mesa.

    After lunch the ride to Cusco will be filled with sharing photos, recounting memorable moments, messaging friends, and a welcome rest for tired feet.

Interested in this trek?

Please provide us with the dates you are available, and we will get back with you as soon as possible to make plans together.

Open and fill out the form here:

*Please Note:

  • This hiking trek is highly rigorous. Be sure you are in excellent physical condition to handle the altitude and exertion.

  • This tour begins in Cusco, where we recommend you adjust to the altitude for at least a day before attempting the trek.