~ Ancient Wisdom for Spiritual Healing ~

~ Ancient Wisdom for Spiritual Healing ~

Welcome, brothers & sisters!

We, Karupureq and Flamissia, are delighted to meet you here. You are warmly invited to join us on a journey together deep into the mysteries of the ancient civilization of the Inca and their Andean predecessors.

A voice of wisdom that has been silenced for centuries is beginning to speak at last.

Hearts are opening…

An ancient cosmology is returning…

Ancient ceremonies are reviving…

The world is awakening…

Come, the time is now!

Experience the Mystical Wonders of Peru

  • Sachsayhuaman Stones

    Mystic Sites

    As your mystic guides, we take you deep into the mysteries of these archeological wonders of the Andean world.

    Gaze in wonder before the mystery and feel the powerful energy of these magnificent constructions.

    Learn the spiritual cosmology of these sacred temples.

    Enter into reverent ceremony according to the ancient traditions.

  • Ausangate with Llamas

    Mystic Mountains

    People from around the world flock to see the majestic mountains, crystalline lakes and colorful native customs of the beautiful Andes of Peru.

    Join us in an ancient tradition of pilgrimage to places considered holy by the native people.

    Connect to the spirit of the sacred mountains, the sacred lakes and our Earth Mother with reverence, prayer and ceremony,

  • Q'ero couple ceremony at Pachatusan

    Mystic Classes

    High above the clouds in the remote mountain villages of the Andes, the Andean shamans continue to practice the ancient customs, ceremonies and healing arts of their ancestors.

    After many years of study Karupureq respectfully transmits the sacred spiritual traditions of his ancestors in his Andean Cosmovision classes.

    It is an honor to share this beautiful tradition with you..


We offer a unique experience:

  • Marvel with amazement as you behold the mysteries of awe-inspiring ancient temples.

    At Andean Wisdom Path we explore new and emerging possible explanations for these wondrous feats of architectural and engineering expertise, feats that reveal a society far more advanced in their technology and knowledge than we are today.

    These new theories point to a vastly different story of who we are and our origins as a human race, questioning our assumptions of our human existence and purpose on Earth.

  • Immerse yourself in the power and majestic beauty of the sacred landscapes of Peru.

    Feel a deep sense of reverence for the magnificent presence of the mountains, rivers, lakes on our beautiful Mother Earth below, and the shining heavenly bodies above.

    This is the experience of deep and meaningful spiritual connection with our Divine Cosmos that is at the heart of the Andean path of spiritual wisdom.

  • Whether you take our courses in Andean mysticism and spirituality, hike with us along our mystic treks to sacred mountains, or visit the mystifying archeological sites with us, we offer you a unique education that invites you into a deep immersion into the world of the Andean Cosmovision and path of spiritual wisdom.

We guide our travelers along the ancient Andean tradition of the Oracle Route. Learn more about this mystic experience here: